We're live from the 2024 Organizers Collective! Get ready to be bombarded with brilliant organizing tips from 8 incredible professional organizers. We dive deep into their unique approaches and uncover hidden gems of organizational wisdom you won't find anywhere else as well as a sneak peek into the world of professional organizers and ultimately...the clutter we ALL have!
I love the Organizers Collective because I get to network with so many great organizers from all of the United States! This year, I stole some time from 8 lovely ladies and picked there brains! I spoke with Christina from Two Tidy Tinas in Upstate SC & Western NC, Kim from Home Method Company in Sacramento & Silicon Valley, CA, Kate from Organize 65 out of Nashville, TN, Rachel from Orderly Way in Birmingham, AL, Amy from All About Organizing out of Hartford, CT, Dawn from Declutterize with Dawn in Londonderry, NH, Yve from Lovin Spaces out of Central Florida, and Kim Basketcase Organizing in Long Island, NY.
Confession #1: What is cluttering your life?
I am a firm believer that we all suffer from some form of clutter in our lives, whether it's physical clutter, mental clutter, or emotional clutter (see my podcast all about clutter HERE). Yes, that's right, even us professional organizers suffer from clutter! So I asked everyone what was cluttering their lives and the answers may surprise you.
Christina: All the busy work.
Kim: Literally not having enough minutes of the day. Mental clutter.
Kate: Negative thoughts.
Rachel: Juggling small children and a business.
Amy: My to-do list.
Dawn: Vision and goals for the business, the mental clutter.
Yve: Paper Clutter
Kim: Paper clutter.
Confession #2: What is something you do to level up your business?
If you've tuned into this podcast before, you know I like to talk a little bit about the organizing side of things and a little bit about the business side of things. I really want this to be a place for not only people looking to get organized, but also a place to support other professional organizers or business people, so I thought asking people how they level up their businesses every year may be helpful.
Christina: Doing quarterly check-ins with our goals, building the team, marketing and brand awareness.
Kim: Growth mode to expand servicing area, bringing on more organizers and training leads.
Kate: Staying active on instragram and interacting with people on there.
Rachel: Attending things like the Organizers Collective and networking.
Amy: Focusing on one major thing at a time. Focus on one goal, get it working and working well before moving on to the next one.
Dawn: Investing in myself and courses and coaching.
Yve: Bringing on more team members and getting more information on training and onboarding.
Kim: Networking. Attending events like the Organizers Collective.
Confession #3: What is your number one organizing rule?
I was so intrigued by the answers here. You'd almost think that every professional organizer would have the same number one rule that they always follow or always tell their clients, but that just isn't true. A couple of these even stuck with me and were great reminders of how to overcome the clutter that plagues us all.
Christina: Label everything, even if you don't think you need one, label it!
Kim: Start small! Start with one drawer, one cabinet, and go from there.
Kate: Everything has a home.
Rachel: You can have stuff but it needs a place for your things.
Amy: Having a separate hamper or bun in your closet lined with a trash bag for quick donation drops.
Dawn: Purge. Purge. Purge. Just get rid of it!
Yve: Use a good basket.
Kim: Do what works for you! One little area and go through that and sort through declutter declutter declutter.
Special Thanks
I could not do this podcast with thanking some very special people who were basically the catalyst of this entire endeavor. One year ago I was at the, Organizers Collective, and one of the speakers there was Everything Envy. It is a mother daughter duo that talked about Amazon affiliates, and they talked a little bit with me about their podcast. When I mentioned to them that I had thought about doing a podcast but I wasn't sure about timing and things they urged me to take the leap so I messaged my team from the collective and got the ball rolling.
So one year later, I am now fully into this podcast. I am loving every second of it. So thank you so much to Margaret and Stenson. And thank you to Megan (Order and Company) and Nikki (She Loves Order) who started the Organizers Collective a couple years ago and has now helped me grow my business. So, long story short, this episode is a very special episode and it's kind of my thank you to them.